




Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy November and December!

November is wrapping up and we are getting into the cold winter months! We have been working very hard in room 205!

For language arts we have been using laptops to do research and write persuasive essays about dinosaurs and what it would be like to live in those ages. We are also plugging along in our classroom novel Wonder and searching for different types of figurative language. Further, we have been doing a lot of work with personal narratives and writers workshop.

In math recently we have finished up place value working with numbers as large as ten million and as small as thousandth. We are working hard with multiplication and decimals right now. Students have an understanding of how to multiply multi-digit numbers as well as with decimals. All fifth graders should be studying their multiplication facts up to 12 nightly! Every Friday we do the Mad Minute where students try to beat their score from the week before.

For science and social studies we have been working with planets and continuing work with states and capitals. Furthermore, we have been looking at maps to better our geography skills. Lastly, we are starting to talk about the 13 colonies and how America came to be.

Our first quarter ended nicely with SEVERAL students on honor roll and perfect attendance! Keep up the good work room 205!

Another great event that happened in 205 was our classroom pizza party for getting so many hallway compliments.

Right before Thanksgiving, we invited the first graders up to our classroom to work together to make turkey disguises to go along with the book "Turkey Trouble."

Lastly our school has been working on a school wide project called "Shake It Off." In the video students from every grade role play some of the major conflicts they have with classmates, and just "shaking them off." We are trying to create an atmosphere of letting little things go, learning to not let them bother us!

Click below:

Shake it off Video

Password:    shake

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

Our class had a celebration full of games, food, and prizes! We wrapped each other up like mummies and played some fall bingo. Students also got to stick their hands  in a pumpkin in search of familiar items without looking! We had a great turn out and a lot of support on the goodies! Thank you everyone for a fabulous Halloween Friday!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy Fall!

 Dear Families,
            I am hoping everyone is enjoying this transition in
to Fall just as much as I am. This upcoming season is full of wonderful things here in Ms. Barcelona’s class.  To celebrate Halloween, we are having a classroom party full of games, food and prizes. If you would like to help out for this party celebration please fill out the pink form that was sent home with your child last week.  We are looking for some classroom volunteers to help with the games as well as donated baked goods and paper goods.
            Most recently in Language Arts we have been plugging along in our first classroom novel, Wonder by R.J. Palacio. It is a WONDERful book about a boy who has never attended school and has a face deformity. He is just about to enter fifth grade and the book really speaks to a fifth grader about what it is like to have someone so different in the school, as well as what it is like for that unique person.  We are learning about figurative language and why authors use figurative language throughout their stories. Furthermore, we have been looking at nonfiction and text features of a nonfiction articles.  Using text features really helps give an insight of what the article if about, having these skills will be really beneficial when starting our Current Events this week. A current event assignment is due twice per month and takes the place of a reading log day. Instead, they read a nonfiction article in which they summarize who, what, when, where and why of the article. Also coming up is our book report project, students were all given a packet with all of the information about the book report. I will be very excited to see the presentations right before Thanksgiving break.
            For Math we are working on rounding, estimation, and place value. Students are all learning of the different types of place values from ten million to thousandth. Those decimals can be tricky, but our fifth graders are starting to really get the hang of them. We have been playing many math games with cards and dice to formulate the largest number possible against our partner, very similar to the card game War but with place value.  Pretty soon we are going to learn to multiply and divide with these really large numbers.  Speaking of multiplying, please help your child keep up with those basic math multiplication facts. Making flashcards is a great way to remember them! Also on our classroom blog there is a Math Fact tab to help with their math facts.
            In Science recently we have started using the Scientific Method for experiments. We are talking about different types of variables and how they affect an experiment.  One experiment that we just completed was our gummy bear experiment. We used different solutions (baking soda, salt water, vinegar, water) and placed a gummy bear in each to see how they gummy bear would react.  Little did we know, it would change size, or take away the color.
            For Social Studies we are working with geography to have a better understanding of how we belong in the world. Mainly, we are working with our 50 United States and how they are apart of our country and where are location is in relation to others.
            Thank you for your constant support. As I always say, having supportive parents and families will help your child be tremendously successful with their education. 

Please email if you have any questions. J

Ms. Barcelona

Friday, October 3, 2014

Our First Class Project

Please watch our video about preventing bullying. Students all worked extremely hard to plan and organize this film. There are a few spelling errors throughout, see how many of our OOPS can you catch!

Password: Marin

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Our First Few Weeks of FIFTH GRADE!!

Dear Fifth Graders and Fifth Grade Families,

We made it  through three weeks of school, technically only 11 and a half days. I couldn't be prouder of our class, everyday I come to Marin ready for what is next. Ms. Barcelona's fifth graders are without a doubt the smartest fifth graders in the school. I am such a lucky a teacher to have such incredible students. 

For all of my parents and families of these amazing fifth graders.... OPEN HOUSE is WEDNESDAY, October 1st at 5:30. PLEASE COME BY ROOM 205! I would love to meet all of you and show you what we have been up to.

These last few weeks have been mainly team building. I tell my students everyday that we are a TEAM, if one member is down we need to all help pick them back up. My goal is that everyone can work together smoothly and really appreciate each other and our uniqueness. We have played many games as a team and we are continuing to work together on helping each other and using positive language. 

For language arts we have read three books, "The Giving Tree," "Oh the Places you will Go," and "Thank you Mr. Falker. We have talked about the places that we are going as fifth graders and created goals for the year. We have also started our Daily Five program, which is the Readers and Writers workshop framework in which students pick two of the five options daily to become independent with literacy. It is crucial that students are reading for 30 minutes per night to meet their reading goals. It is even more crucial that you are promoting reading at home, sit with your child, read with them. Practice expression (sounding like the characters would sound) and pacing, reading without little pauses. Having supportive adults in their lives discussing the importance of reading will only help carry the message through. Lastly our spelling list will be given every Monday or Tuesday with word work for the week. Each day of the week students will need to be working with their spelling words, writing them three times, putting them in sentences, defining them, and a practice test. Your support is so so important to encourage children to spell and read throughout their week. Next week are starting our first classroom chapter book "Wonder."

In fifth grade math we have been reviewing some basic concepts to refresh our memory on estimation, number types, and measurement. In the next few weeks we will be digging deep into place value. We made paper chains and did a really exciting measurement activity. Students were all given the same amount of paper, glue and scissors. They had to create their best paper chain within a time limit. We then discussed how different the chains came out and that each student works differently but we are still all connected together. Then we measured them with different types of measurement and attempted to look at the different types of measurement.

In the upcoming weeks for Social Studies and Science we will be looking at different types of maps and how to read maps. It is important that our fifth graders know that they are part of this big world, not just Bridgeport, but also our county, our state, our country, our continent, our planet, and our solar system. Furthermore it is one of our biggest goals this year that each student leaves room 205 knowing all 44 presidents, all 50 states, and all 50 capitals.  Seems like a lot right? Think about it this way, that is only 144 pieces of information to know, and we are in school 180 days! That is less than one name per day. We have plenty of time, and I know that I have the smartest 5th graders there is. In science we are going to be learning about the scientific method and how to conduct experiments during a lab. 

Here are some of the pictures from the last few weeks, hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome Back!

        Welcome back to a brand new school year! I am so excited to be your fifth grade teacher this year! We will all be working together: students, parents, and teachers to make this the best year yet! Marin has done some revamping over the summer break. Our school now has some exciting features that are helping build the strongest community that Bridgeport will have!

        First off, with the school changes we want our students to know that YOU are important, and the most valuable part of our school! Students have a voice here at Marin and they are going to be the rock behind all of the changes that are happening. Together we are creating a school constitution within the first few weeks! Each class will have representatives to help give their grade level a voice for what they believe creates a positive, respectful, safe, and encouraging learning environment! Our fifth graders here at Marin are now part of something called the "Intermediate Academy." They are the oldest in the our academy, so they are going to be leaders and role models for both the fourth and third grade who are also in our academy. However, even more so they need to be role models and inspiration for our younger academy, the Primary Academy, that consists of grades Kindergarten, First, and Second.

        Something else that is SUPER exciting is our new school policy. Since we are "Majestic Marin" and our mascot is the Lion, our new policy is R.O.A.R. We have created a set of expectations that will apply in every part of our community. From the bus and sidewalks, to the art room, cafeteria, gym, playground, hallways, name it this policy applies!

Please ROAR with us...


We respect ourselves and others, and embrace our differences!

On Task 

We focus on the task at hand, and are ready and eager to learn!


We are responsible for our attitudes, actions, and achievement!


We are responsible for maintaining a safe and welcoming learning environment!

Lets have a fabulous, successful year here at Marin! I am looking forward to working with each and everyone of you!

Ms. Barcelona