




Saturday, October 18, 2014

Happy Fall!

 Dear Families,
            I am hoping everyone is enjoying this transition in
to Fall just as much as I am. This upcoming season is full of wonderful things here in Ms. Barcelona’s class.  To celebrate Halloween, we are having a classroom party full of games, food and prizes. If you would like to help out for this party celebration please fill out the pink form that was sent home with your child last week.  We are looking for some classroom volunteers to help with the games as well as donated baked goods and paper goods.
            Most recently in Language Arts we have been plugging along in our first classroom novel, Wonder by R.J. Palacio. It is a WONDERful book about a boy who has never attended school and has a face deformity. He is just about to enter fifth grade and the book really speaks to a fifth grader about what it is like to have someone so different in the school, as well as what it is like for that unique person.  We are learning about figurative language and why authors use figurative language throughout their stories. Furthermore, we have been looking at nonfiction and text features of a nonfiction articles.  Using text features really helps give an insight of what the article if about, having these skills will be really beneficial when starting our Current Events this week. A current event assignment is due twice per month and takes the place of a reading log day. Instead, they read a nonfiction article in which they summarize who, what, when, where and why of the article. Also coming up is our book report project, students were all given a packet with all of the information about the book report. I will be very excited to see the presentations right before Thanksgiving break.
            For Math we are working on rounding, estimation, and place value. Students are all learning of the different types of place values from ten million to thousandth. Those decimals can be tricky, but our fifth graders are starting to really get the hang of them. We have been playing many math games with cards and dice to formulate the largest number possible against our partner, very similar to the card game War but with place value.  Pretty soon we are going to learn to multiply and divide with these really large numbers.  Speaking of multiplying, please help your child keep up with those basic math multiplication facts. Making flashcards is a great way to remember them! Also on our classroom blog there is a Math Fact tab to help with their math facts.
            In Science recently we have started using the Scientific Method for experiments. We are talking about different types of variables and how they affect an experiment.  One experiment that we just completed was our gummy bear experiment. We used different solutions (baking soda, salt water, vinegar, water) and placed a gummy bear in each to see how they gummy bear would react.  Little did we know, it would change size, or take away the color.
            For Social Studies we are working with geography to have a better understanding of how we belong in the world. Mainly, we are working with our 50 United States and how they are apart of our country and where are location is in relation to others.
            Thank you for your constant support. As I always say, having supportive parents and families will help your child be tremendously successful with their education. 

Please email if you have any questions. J

Ms. Barcelona

Friday, October 3, 2014

Our First Class Project

Please watch our video about preventing bullying. Students all worked extremely hard to plan and organize this film. There are a few spelling errors throughout, see how many of our OOPS can you catch!

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